I’ve been a student of people for many years. One thing I’ve learned is that most people don’t make active decisions.
It is easy to ponder an item until it no longer needs action. The sale ends so you don’t have to worry about buying the car.
Someone else got the job, so I don’t have to write my resume. It started to rain, so I can’t cut the grass. “There is a lion without, I shall be slain…” (Prov. 22:13).
More appropriately, it may be better stated by saying, I can’t apply for that job because:
“I’m too old”
“I’m too fat”
“I’m too young”
“I don’t have a college degree.”
“I‘m not a man”
“I’m too…”
You’ve heard them. For that matter, you’ve said them. Truth be told, these reasons really don’t cut it.
I had a cousin that was a quadriplegic for 41 years. The only reason he didn’t get a job was that he couldn’t see his way to let loose of his state provided benefits.
Now, I’m not judging him, don’t jump to that conclusion. He may have made the best decision available, but that is not the point. The point is, even a quadriplegic can do a job.
So will you make the choice? Will you step up and do what you know needs to be done? Can be done? You want to do?
“Someone ought to ___________”, you fill in the blank. How about you?
A number of years ago, I noticed that a friend of mine had a resume that would choke a horse. Later, I made another friend, which had a resume that would impress almost anyone. Yet another friend inspired me to step forward and do what I could.
These 3 people, 2 women and 1 man, did one key thing. They choose to step forward and do what they saw could be done. I decided to join them.
To make a long story short, the VP of the local Habitat for Humanity told me I was going to be the next President. I said, “Oh no, you’ll be the next President.” That conversation took place 4 to 5 months after I had joined the group. Well, he was correct, and I was wrong. It just took 2 years to happen.
The bottom line is, you can do far more than you thought, if you will choose to step forward and do what you can.
By the way, the best way to get ahead is to do whatever it is that needs to be done. I have seen many people get offers or promotions because “they can be counted on.”
Stand up, step up, and speak up. Watching it on TV will not get it done, action will.
Blessings, Joe Crawford